Friday, December 14, 2012

The Best of My Three Series Drafts

These are the best of my three drafts. I think they exemplified the style of the photographer I studied, Josef Sudek. These elements include depth, city scape, sepia tone, and the usage of water.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Series Draft 3

In this final draft of recreating Josef Sudek's style, I focused on several qualities which included depth and the rule of thirds. Sudek also liked to take photographs of simple objects, such as flowers, eggs, and glasses of water. I tried to emulate this aspect of his photographs by using a ball and a coffee cup, carefully trying to put them on the left third of the frame. He was well-known for taking pictures of the streets of Prague, so I tried to get building and street shots of the neighborhood.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Series Draft 2

For my second draft of imitating Josef Sudek, I was very eager to take shots involving water something Sudek enjoyed doing, as well as exploring depth in building scape shots. Sudek was well known for taking pictures of the buildings and streets in the city of Prague, and he especially loved taking pictures with the sun out. The weather for the past two weeks was very cloudy and rainy, so I was able to get the pictures of water I was looking for but I was unable to get a lot of photos that had the sun's light. For the pictures that tried to convey depth especially the buildings and the  plants on the wall , I tried to get an angle that was not perfectly perpendicular in order exemplify leading lines. Sudek liked to take pictures of water in glasses, but I did not have any glasses to use, so I just went with photographing water on the window hoping to recreate the same melancholic mood that was in his pictures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Series Draft 1

     In this week's assignment, I was tasked with trying to emulate Josef Sudek, the photographer I researched. Sudek believed that photographers should not try and manipulate the photograph after taking it, but instead getting just the right lighting and spacing, even if it takes several attempts, so all of these shots are unedited. I noticed that most of my favorite photographs of his were in a sepia tone, so I decided to go with that style as well. Many of his characteristics that I wanted to try and emulate were his simple household objects in photographs, his usage of water,  and the landscape/city street shots. I also tried to emulate the nostalgic/melancholic mood that Sudek had in most of his photos. The landscape shots were hard to emulate in the city, so I decided to use the side of the living wall as an attempt to recreate his work.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

3 Panel Stories

 This week was to create a story with three to four pictures. I am not a huge fan of props such as masks and costumes, but I did try to incorporate them in some of my shots. I found it kind of difficult to tell a complete story, but nonetheless I had a fun time trying to tell as story.

Monday, October 22, 2012


This week's topic was microworlds, which involved placing toys in certain positions with backgrounds in order to tell a story. I tried to use different backgrounds, which included shooting outside and with a computer screen image. I found this very fun and entertaining, but often had a hard time getting just the right amount of lighting and placing the toys in the ideal position.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Avedon Style Portraits

This week in photography class, we watched a documentary covering the career of photographer Richard Avedon. The style we attempted to model was simply photographing our model with a plain, white background, but at the same time, trying to interact with the model by asking questions and trying to capture genuine images. The process was tricky for both my model and I, as models had to try and avoid the stereotypical "say cheese" expression, and instead just let the questions and interaction with the photographer illicit genuine expressions from their face, even if the end result would be a bit unflattering.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


This week's assignment was to change the shutter speed with our cameras and to experiment with the concept of motion. In my photos, I tried to exemplify the concept by taking pictures of glossy objects or objects with light to get nice results. Also, the ones that turned out well that didn't deal with light or glossiness included the lacrosse stick and the rubik's cube.