Wednesday, January 16, 2013


     For this week's assignment, we were supposed to experiment with already taken photos by adding captions and layers in order to create/add meaning.

 In this photo, I was trying to convey a humorous tone in light of the dark effects.
 Originally, this photo was an experiment with depth, so I thought 'endless' was an appropriate word an order to express the theme of depth.
 This photo had an overarching melancholic mood, so I decided to use words that related to melancholy.
 While practicing Richard Avedon's style of photography, I tried to capture real emotions from my subjects, and I thought "I love you" was a an appropriate phrase for this particular facial expression.
 One of my favorite Clint Eastwood quotes of all time from his movie, Dirty Harry. This as shot from one of my 3 story panel stories.
 From my microworlds photoshoot, I just thought that this would be a funny caption for this David vs. Goliath match up.
 Again,from the microworlds experiment, I thought this would be a funny caption for this man v. frog match up.
 From my 3 panel story photoshoot, the evils of littering are highlighted by the fiery background and the word, 'litterbug'.
 This photo highlights my love for the San Francisco Giants, and 'loyalty' seemed to me as the appropriate word.
One of my favorite quotes of all-time, I mixed it with my love for rubik's cubes in order to relate the two of them.